
I Am Totally Biased

I fully admit that I'm totally biased when it comes to how cute I think my kid sounds. I can't help it. I just can't.

Thankfully, that little voice of his is starting to use more and more words, form more and more 2-3 word simple sentences, and he's taken off exploring new words every day.

We are currently really working on our ABCs and 123s. We'll do about anything to get him to repeat the proper letters and numbers in the correct order. A few days ago Scott was working with Marcus on  counting to three. Scott hid his key fob in his pocket, and when Marcus would correctly count to three Scott would hit the 'lock' button to his car. Marcus believed his count was making the beep. I about died when I watched it all take place.

If you have 10 seconds here is the little guy with his adorable little voice.
(At 'three' Marcus points to the car, anticipating the 'beep'.)


  1. SO stinkin' cute! Henry and I watched this a million times the other day when it was on IG, he loved hearing another little boy count to three!

  2. Love baby sounds!!!! Smart boy!


  3. I love when little kids say the number three. super cute!!! Good luck today!!!

  4. Love it! words and counting are so much fun! I need to get better at the ABCs :)

  5. hahaha, what a clever trick! He is just way too cute.

  6. I die!!! So funny and cute. You go, Marcus! Hope you guys are having a great week. :-)

  7. I love videos like this :) Clay has learned two and five and I just think it's the best thing ever!

  8. I love how it's so easy to capture these special little moments! Memories that you can have forever and then show Marcus when he is older! And yes little toddler voices are the best! He is the cutest!
