
While I love my family I also love my sanity. To keep said sanity I've found refuge in running.

In 2008 I didn't realize what a sedentary life I had been living. After feeling less than in love with myself I decided I needed to take some action. 

With a lot of time and dedication I completed my first half marathon. The minute my fatigued legs crossed that glorious finish line I was hooked. 

Life, as always, managed to throw a few curve balls. A car accident tied me up from running for a while. After some time, and lots of support and encouragement from my husband, I got back on track, and back to pavement pounding. 

I'm back at it, constantly looking to hit Personal Records (PRs), and always in search of a good half to run. 

For a little more info on my running journey check out:
A Runner - what makes me a runner, WHY I run
Baring It All - my journey to get fit
Mud Run (September 2012)
Surf City Beach Obstacle Course (October 2012)
Color Run (November 2012)
A Different Run - switching up running locations to keep things interesting
A Runner's Prayer
Thoughts Per Mile - what do YOU think about on your long runs?
10 Miles - More Randomness - another long run, more random thoughts
The (Sort of) Half Marathon  (April 2013) - when a running event lets you down
Vacation ≠ Motivation - how the heck does one stay motivated on vacation?!
The Most Beautiful Run - finding the beauty in each run
A Little Bit of a Fib - not EVERY run is going to feel fantastic
A Better Half (August 2013) - a half marathon that left the most glorious runner's high
I'm Still Riding This High - runner's high hangover, and it feels so good!
A Bear Sighting - the NEED to run
Just Breathe - the escape and sanity running provides
Running the LBC - the Long Beach International 1/2 Marathon - and 1/2 PR
Three Mountain Miles - running in the mountains is no joke!
Running Thoughts - mentally prepping for a 1/2
Hospital Hill Re-Run {5k and Half Marathon} Recap - running back to back races, and a half marathon spent running in the rain
Get Out Your Running Shoes - a virtual 5k open to everyone!
The Weeds - taking time to enjoy a run
A Dying Sweaty Mess // Race Day Photos - a looking back on race day via photos
#DJV5K//Training Training for a virtual 5k
But You're DOING! When running is tough… Just.Keep.Moving
Bridges Beauty found in a run
Race With the Balloons A 5k with hot air balloons, as well as placing in my age group
Running DC A run through the National Mall
A Virtual 5k {results} Running a virtual race and setting a PR in the process
I Need Accountability & A Finish Line The motivation I need to get out the door and RUN
The Hardest Half 13.1 miles of brutal, but gorgeous, hills

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