Last week I had a really tough time getting out and getting my miles in. I couldn't figure out why I was dragging my feet so much. Then it dawned on me, the 1/2 is
this weekend. After Sunday there will be a finish line, and an end.
It isn't as if I'll stop running, or won't be on the hunt for my next 1/2. But, this 1/2 holds a lot of meaning. I'm back,
I'm a runner again, and I've overcome so much. This training has been different because it's been
(P.S. If you wouldn't mind, please shoot me a little prayer Sunday. I'm excited and nervous and ready to run this half!)
Moving along.
Friday night I was running through a neighborhood I knew, but not too well. It was dark and a car was coming my direction. The car lights were on and they were BRIGHT. I was approaching the street when the sidewalk ended a little sooner than I anticipated. I went FLYING into the street. Superman had nothing on the air I managed. I landed in the middle of the street with my hands and knees breaking my fall. The car creeped by me, I'm assuming they were checking to make sure I wasn't badly injured (that or laughing at me). Slowly I got up and kept going and continued along as if nothing had happened. Though I was fine (minus scraped palms and a little road rash on my leg) my pride certainly was bruised. We've all been there, done that. Right?
To the 10 miles we go!
I've mentioned wanting to get a water belt, and I did. It's essentially a fanny pack. That holds water. Oy. I also mentioned I can't handle the runner's gel (SO GROSS). Running jelly beans are the way to go!
Upper left: How I was originally going to wear the water belt. After Scott made fun of me informed me how the belt was to be worn I made the appropriate change.
Right photo: The correct way to wear the water belt. And, how you'll see me dressed 98% of the time. :)
Lower left: Running beans. Love 'em!
Less than 3/4 mile: (As I'm running past Cold Stone) Cold Stone! After this run I'm getting Cold Stone! Mint chip sounds so good. Maybe I shouldn't be thinking of ice cream right now...
Mile 2: Eight miles to go. Note to self, do not run these long distances mid-afternoon. Holy blazes, it's hot!
*first use of the water belt*
Mile 3: Seven miles left... Oh my gosh, seven miles!
I wore make up today. SURELY that has all melted off by now. There is no doubt I look a hot, sweaty mess. Yikes.
*first 5 jelly beans consumed*
Mile 4: I HATE this
flat stretch on the route. Hills are so much better. Going up means eventually going down. This flat business is for the birds.
Road apple! *swerve*
*water break*
Mile 5: Here's a road I've never run down. Let's take it!
This road is a LOT longer than I anticipated. Does it ever end? I need to turn around, and I can't just do that in the middle of the road, I need a "point" to turn around. A stop sign, a stop light, a cul-de-sac, ANYTHING. I just need to turn around.
Good thing this road has peacocks to keep things interesting.
I took this on a run a few weeks ago. (Aren't they gorgeous?!) I thought about stopping to snap another picture, but I was fearful my legs wouldn't start up again if I quit moving. |
Mile 6: Over half way! Woohoo!
*more water, more jelly beans*
Hey, the
pot smoker isn't out today. Hmm, maybe he's inside, stoned. Very possible.
Wow, miles 5 and 6 were
tough. I think my legs are cramping. Yes, those are my legs cramping. Whelp, at least I don't
have to pee.
Mile 7: Less than a 5k to go! Amen for the downhill stretch of this run.
For the longest time no thoughts are processed except: Keep moving your feet, keep breathing.
Mile 8: *cruising on auto pilot*
Geez, Pandora is DRUNK! One minute there's music, the next minute silence. And, if one more Evanescence song comes on I'm going to lose it. How is that "Hard Rock Strength Training"?!
*can't muster enough strength to change Pandora station*
*last of jelly beans consumed*
Mile 9: One.More.Mile.One.More.Mile.One.More.Mile.
I keep hearing a rustling in the brush. There was something on the news the other night about rattle snakes. I sure hope it's those itty bitty lizards I see all the time and not some big nasty rattler.
*check time* EEK! Get home in time for Marcus' bath!
What?! 20% battery left. Make sure phone is 100% charged for the half!
3/4 mile from home: COLD STONE! COLD STONE! COLD STONE!
*passing Cold Stone*
Mile 10: Done-zo!
Cold Stone! Cold Stone! Cold Stone!
BAM! Week 11 is in the books. |
My pace for this run was much slower than my last few runs have been. The slower pace was done intentionally, as I want my legs ready for game day on Sunday. My time didn't thrill me, I thought it would be a little faster than what it was. However, "a bad run is better than no run." And, I burned up 1,110 calories! Can't be mad at that.
And, to Cold Stone I went!