
Changes and Firsts

There are changes happening in this house. Good ones.
It seems as if Marcus is moving right along, going from baby to little boy. While this is (obviously) a great thing it is also bittersweet for me. 

Is it possible for things to seem like they were ages ago, yet feel like they were just yesterday, all at the same time? Less than a year ago I was spoon feeding Marcus, and he was drinking out of a bottle. These days the little man is eager to use utensils while eating. He is by no means any good with a spoon, but he's trying, and he wants to do it on his own.
Pointing at objects of interest, as well as pointing to get my attention has just started happening. I noticed this two days ago. Marcus particularly enjoys pointing at helicopters and airplanes. Every time he hears a plane or helicopter he points to the sky, even if nothing is visible. My heart burst with momma pride when he does this. 

Marcus has also become quite the little climber. Sticking true to his monkey ways, he is always trying to climb up and over things - benches (see below), chairs, couches, stairs, anything that has potential to be climbed upon usually is.
Sadly, I do not have a picture of video (yet), but Marcus has begun blowing bubbles. Actual bubbles. I've been showing him in the pool for a while now, but I didn't think he'd get the hang of it for quite some time. As a mommy I'm proud, but as a mommy who has been a swim instructor for the past 13 years, proud doesn't really do my feelings justice on this particular subject. 

As if that isn't enough, we've been doing more experimenting with food. I've had it with hot dogs and mac and cheese. We've tried spaghetti before, but it was a bit of a fail. This time around seemed to go much better. Marcus is still working on eating the noodles, but it was quite an entertaining dinner for us.
Fourteen months has brought so many changes. Marcus is one happy, healthy little boy. We are beyond blessed to have this spitfire in our lives. I just wish I could slow time a bit, share and document more of these moments, these firsts. I apologize if eating with a spoon, pointing, and climbing all seem mundane. But, I can't help but sit back and watch in awe as my baby grows, learns, and develops right before my eyes. 


  1. It really is so bittersweet to watch them grow and learn knew things. Even the smallest of things make us mommies proud! Marcus is such a cutie. Have a great weekend.

  2. aww! i LOVE that spoon! Marissa would think thats the coolest thing ever!
    spaghetti babies are the best! well, maybe not the clean up but you get what i mean! ;)
    i love watching that boy grow up!

  3. He is so cute!! Each time Mav does something new I get excited and sad at the same time! It's fun watching them grow, but why does it have to happen so fast?!

  4. Just too cute but yes, they grow up so fast. Before you know it you'll be like me wondering where the time has gone and shocked that your child will be entering middle school in the fall. Enjoy him!

  5. Oh I am so sad that they grow up so fast. I love the 1-2 years old age. Not that 4 isn't fun but there is more of talk backs and attitudes. :) I love babies!!

  6. Oh, he is just so adorable! LOVE the spaghetti pictures. How can you not giggle at that?

  7. No way, not mundane at all!!!! It's so exciting to watch our little ones grow! I love teaching the boys about things that are important to me, like gardening and family history, and then have them repeat that info back to me in their own little way later. For instance, I was telling Brennan why ants are on Peony buds. He saw them there the next time we were looking at my peonies and he said "The ants are there to protect the flowers so they will bloom, right Mom?" Melted my heart. Not exactly what I told him but so so sweet, I couldn't correct him!

  8. So cute! We always plan spaghetti night to coincide with bath night haha....it's so messy!!!

  9. cute. spaghetti always makes a mess. But makes a good bath I'm sure. Hope you're doing well. Your lil' boy is precious as can be. I know you have a ball with him.

    Would love to see you stop by and link up with me. Be sure to stop by for my blog hop and share with your blog friends. http://pinkowl07.blogspot.com/2013/04/hop-around-with-shana-laney.html

  10. what cute pictures! I LOVE those plaid shorts that he has on! so fun that he's doing so many new things!

  11. How adorable!!!! Cute kiddos and pasta is always a great photo op!!! you were smart to take his shirt off first!!!

  12. Yep, feel the exact same way. Incredibly bittersweet to see them grow and change. O is really into climbing on EVERYTHING right now too. They most definitely keep us on our toes don't they!
