
A Sea Lion Send Off

For as long as I can remember I've always had a fondness for animals. When I was younger I wanted to be a veterinarian, a zoologist, a marine biologist, you get the idea. While those dreams didn't pan out (I apprenticed with a veterinarian in my hometown - the first time I assisted in euthanizing an animal I knew I wasn't cut out for those careers) I will forever be an animal lover, and I hope to pass that along to Marcus.

Friday we had the unique opportunity to do something I never dreamed I would get to experience with my little man. We watched rehabilitated sea lions released back into the Pacific.

While the experience was a quick one it was also unforgettable.

We arrived to the beach early, ensuring we didn't miss the show.
Between my friend, her little miss, and our arsenal of snacks, it wasn't hard to keep the little man and little lady entertained and waiting patiently.
After our brief wait it was time for the main event. 

The Marine Mammal Care Center staff arrived with three kennels which they brought down to the beach.
Very calmly and quietly the kennels were opened.
Two of the seals quickly made their way to the water.
Their coloring blends in perfectly with the rocky beach. Look closely and you will see the light blue arrows pointing to the two eager seals.
Aw, it looks like they are kissing.
While these two were happily frolicking in the ocean the third sea lion wasn't quiet as eager. 
A little prompting and coaxing, and this little guy was freely diving into the surf, too.
After swimming several yards out, it almost seemed as if this guy turned back to say, 'thank you' before he disappeared into the cool Pacific waters. 
Thinking back on the experience it still floors me. We were able to witness sending these guys back to their home. 
What an amazing encounter.


  1. How awesome for not only you to be able to experience this, but for Marcus to experience it as well. I'm jealous!! I love all the pictures, so beautiful!!

  2. You're officially the coolest mom ever. That is so amazing!!

  3. That would be awesome to see! I love the picture where it looks like they're kissing :)

  4. What a neat thing to witness, and so cool that you got to share it with your little one!

  5. So cool! So so cool. They are so darn cute. Love the hesitant one.

  6. How very, very cool and how very, very special.

  7. i always wonder how they feel when they get back. i hope they love it and survive!
    what an amazing thing to see!!! I'm jealous. i wish isaiah could relocate to you!

  8. How adorable! I love sea lions. They are so cute. And how adorable that is does look like they're kissing. I bet all three are so happy!

  9. they are so cute! and what a great thing to get to see!

  10. What a fun day! You are such a good mama!

  11. Wow!!!! How did you hear about this? Such an amazing experience!!!!

  12. TEARS!!! That is so amazing! What an amazing rescue effort you got to witness. God bless those workers for what they do in rehabilitating those sweet creatures. I love how even in the pictures and the story we can get a glimpse of their different personalities, that one little timid sea lion is so precious. I know they are all so thankful to have a second chance on life!! I love this story!!

  13. Oh my gosh!! What an amazing experience! What a perfect day and I'm so glad you got to experience it with your handsome little man!!

  14. Oh wow ... I have goosebumps! Like seriously. I would have love to witness this. Such a great experience and even better that you got to do it with Marcus.

  15. What a great day! I would love to see something like that one day.

  16. what an awesome experience! You did a great job of documenting it and what a great memory for M! This seriously was the best post I read today! :)

  17. Wow!! How cool! I would have loved to have seen this.

  18. Such a great experience you and Marcus got to share together & you were really able to capture some great pictures of the event! The one of the 2 seals out in the ocean looking like they're kissing is adorable!!

  19. Aw, this is seriously the cutest thing I have ever seen! What a great experience to witness!! :)
    xo TJ


  20. Absolutely amazing! I wanted to be a marine biologist as well! I went to a career camp for it and everything. I even got accepted to go to school for it... but like you it didn't pan out.. but my love for marine animals is as strong as ever. I am so jealous you got to see this! That is definitely an experience to remember for a lifetime. It's so awesome that they were able put them back where they belong and you both got to see it happen! So cool.... so jealous.... :)
