
Christmas Photo Challenge Recap #3

It's here! Christmas is here! It seems impossible how quickly December has flown by, but alas, tomorrow we celebrate Jesus's birth and get to check out all the goodies Santa has left beneath our tree.

Before doing so, there's one last #2015ChristmasMoments recap to get in the books. Here are Challenge recaps One and Two. Let's take a look at the third and final recap:

Day 17 - Clothing
Day 18 - Inspiration
Day 19 - Happiness
Day 20 - Movie
Day 21 - Keepsake
Day 22 - Favorite
Day 23 - Gathering
Day 24 - Cookies
And that wraps up a successful #2015ChristmasMoments photo challenge! Be sure to follow me, desireemacke, on InstaGram for all sorts of IG goodness. A big thanks to Stephanie for creating the challenge and daily prompts. I had a blast with each one, and trying to put fun interpretations on each. Merry Christmas, friends!


  1. You did a great job with the photo challenge! I love that Santa Baby glass!


  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!


  3. I'm kicking myself for not participating in the countdown to Christmas on IG. Darn it. Next year.
    Love all your pictures!!!

  4. You killed this challenge. Guess who bombed on the last day. I was SO close!!!

  5. I agree with Beth - you totally kicked butt on this challenge! I've enjoyed your pictures so much!!
