
Week 29

Week 29.
Size of Baby // According to My Pregnancy app, M² weighs about 2.5 pounds - or is about the size of a butternut squash - and from head to heel is just over 15 inches long.

Cravings // Nothing notable. I'm just hungry. A lot. It seems as if I get full fast, but become hungry shortly after eating. If I had to count, I probably eat 5-6 small meals a day (and snack like it's my only way to Heaven).
Symptoms // Give me all the naps in the world. Third trimester fatigue is legit. Also, the belly button is officially popped out. So weird, considering it never popped when I was pregnant with Marcus.
Movement // This little lady is all over the place. I can't tell which jab is from a foot or a hand, but they're frequent and they are pretty powerful.
Miss Anything // This week I have been surrounded by mimosas, daiquiris, piña coladas, and margaritas. While I've indulge in the non-alcoholic versions of a few, it's just not the same. Waaahhhh. 

Sleep // We've been spending a majority of our days outside and swimming, so I'm totally spent by day's end. Surprisingly I'm only up a few times each night. But, I feel as if I could sleep for a million years if my body (and Marcus) would just let me. 

Clothing // I've pretty much been living in my preggo swim suit this week. And maxi dresses. God bless the inventor of those things. 

Best Part of the Week/ Looking Forward To… //
We are wrapping up one pretty amazing week that's been filled with sun, swimming, and grandparents in a pretty spectacular place. We also snuck away for a quick maternity/family photo session that I can't wait to share. More details to come next week.

Have a spectacular weekend!


Mexican Meals + Party in a Box {{One Huge Giveaway!}}

Supper (or is it dinner? I never know which term to use) is my favorite meal. Generally I like to find a good recipe and whip something up myself. I try my best to make most of our meals from scratch. Our favorite supper dishes are almost always Mexican inspired meals. In particular Crock Pot Tacos, Creamy Crock Pot Tacos, and Taco Pasta Bake.

There are just some days I don't have it in me to cut and chop and bake and cook and boil and shred. Some days I need something quick, easy, and scrumptious. Almost as if I'd slaved away all day and made it all myself…
When those days hit I go for Del Real meals. There is literally something for everyone. Even the pickiest eaters like Marcus, or the non-red meat eaters like me can find a tasty Del Real meal. I'm not one to make pork (since I don't eat it), but Scott is fan, so he especially appreciates the pork carnets and the Al Pastor Pork street tacos.
My family loves the Mexican flavor of each dish and I love that I can pull together a pretty fab meal in minutes. Yes, minutes!!
Next to the how great it all tastes, I can't get over how easy it is to make and take these dishes. They meals and dishes are perfection for a picnic. Literally all that needs to be done is heat the dish up and take it along! 

Speaking of picnic… Since summer, and picnic season are upon us, Del Real and I have teamed up to give away a Party in a Box. This includes everything you see pictured above. One lucky winner will have a chance to taste the authentic Mexican flavor. Samples included in the Party in a Box: Del Real's carnets  tamales, pork al pastor, pupusas, and an Al Pastor Taco Kit (so.much.good.stuff)! To top all that deliciousness off, a seriously awesome collapsable thermal picnic basket (perfect for bringing any of the Del Real dishes along) and roll-up blanket will be included to round out the perfect picnic experience. 
Your picnic awaits! 

To enter to win the Del Real Party in a Box follow the easy Raffelcopter prompts below. 

Disclaimer: I received these products from Del Real in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.


The Hardest Part of Pregnancy {for me}

Absolutely nothing brings me more joy than being a mom. Nothing. But, if I'm being totally honest, I really struggle with being pregnant. Not as in I have trouble getting pregnant, rather I struggle with being pregnant because I don't enjoy being pregnant. There. I said it. It's out.

So many ladies I know, both in real life and through blogs, gush about how much they adore this time. These sweet mommas go on about how they love everything about being pregnant and how they don't want the nine months to ever end. Secretly, I'm a wee bit jealous of their love of pregnancy.

Then there's me.

Sweet Lord. Can we please just fast forward to the end, to the part where I'm holding a baby in my arms and not my uterus? 

Of course there are some truly magical moments that can only be experienced while with child. The movements and hiccups are easily the best. For me though, pregnancy just isn't fun. For me it's the farthest thing from rainbows and unicorns.

From the obvious reasons: no sushi, no wine, no soft cheeses, no lunch meat. There is the morning sickness. There are the mood swings. Hello, I'm female, I have plenty of those without all the added hormones. Don't get me started on how workouts and running are affected (I keep trying to explain to Scott that it just feels like the bottom is going to fall out of me - it's so glamorous, isn't it?). Followed that up with the discomfort, and the sleepless nights. And then there's the ever changing and expanding body which might be the toughest pill to swallow. 

Parenthood brings its own truck load of exhaustion, stress, worry, and even sacrifice. I really wish I could just skip past the whole pregnancy part and go straight to the momma'ing part.

Pregnancy is not my jam. Just ask Scott. He's already informed me that after M² arrives he will be more than happy to forever bid adieu to Pregnant Desirée.

It might sound harsh, probably even a bit insensitive. But, for me the hardest part of being pregnant is not loving being pregnant.

Tell me I'm not alone here. Any other mommas out there who love being a mom but didn't love being pregnant?


Happy Memorial Day {&Marcus Monday}!

To those who served and paid the ultimate sacrifice we are eternally grateful.
Remember, today is about so much more than a three-day weekend, BBQs, and kick starting the summer.
Happy Memorial Day!


Week 28

Rolling right along with this pregnancy, week 28, here we are!
Just for fun, here's a comparison of me with Marcus at 28 weeks and M² at 28 weeks. 
Between pregnancies it's clear I've gotten a much better camera, taken advantage of natural lighting, and ditched those glasses.
Size of Baby // This week My Pregnancy app says M² weighs 2 1/4 pound, or about the size of an eggplant, and is about 14.8 (point 8? what?) inches from head to heel.

Cravings // Watermelon. This week Scott brought home the best watermelon of all time, and I can't stay away. Chicken fried rice (so random). Thank goodness I was able to create my own rather than go for takeout. I'm also incredibly susceptible to trigger cravings. Stop posting deliciousness on social media outlets. I'm begging.

Symptoms // The backaches are always around and nagging. My stomach feels so tight, as if it couldn't possibly stretch any farther (and we all know it's going to). I've lost some of that second trimester energy. Then there's lightening crotch <--- This is a real thing that Courtney mentioned not too long ago. I had no idea this actually had a term, but I totally understand what it's all about!

Movement // So much, all the time. The movement is getting to the point where I'll jump because of the jabs, and catch myself letting out an audible, "Oh!"

Miss Anything // Restful sleep. Not peeing every 5 minutes. Running without feeling totally uncomfortable. Being able to bend over with ease. And all the other stuff you can't eat or drink.  

Sleep // This week has been less than stellar in the sleep department. Between all.the.peeing, tossing and turning, and Marcus. Nope. Not really happening. Good practice for the sleepless nights that lie ahead, I suppose.

Clothing // Seriously, there isn't even a point to answering this one anymore. 

Best Part of the Week/ Looking Forward To… //
1. My doctor called with the results of the glucose retake I endured a week ago. The test came back negative, no gestational diabetes over here (this is precisely what happened when I was pregnant with Marcus, too)!
2. Skyzone. We discovered the wonder of yet another place to bounce around and blow a ton of the never ending energy Marcus has bottled up. Bonus points that the place has Toddler Time.
3. There's a trip to Cabo coming up our very near future. If things are quiet around these parts it's because we're on a beach, or in a pool, and no where near Los Angeles.
This was us in Cabo - exactly SIX YEARS AGO! We had the best time ever.
It was during this trip that I just *knew* I was hanging with a pretty awesome guy, and that one day he'd become my better half.
Scott and I still talk about that trip, and how we agree it is at the top of our favorite vacations together.
Something tells me this trip to Cabo will be equally amazing, but totally different at the same time.
Have a fabulous weekend! 


A Weekend of Big Wheels

You know you're a boy mom when…

  • Your Saturday is spent checking out  firetrucks, buses, dump trucks, earth movers, and police vehicles. 

{{We attended Long Beach's Touch a Truck event. And while it was pretty sweet to get up close and personal with the big trucks that make every little boys' world go 'round, it was also insanely busy. We saw many big trucks and big vehicles, but were only able to actually get on a few - so much of our time was spent standing in line. Next year we'll go early.}}

  • And Sunday is spent at an Armed Forces Appreciation event.

This WWII Jeep was hands down the highlight for both Scott and Marcus. We lingered here the longest.
{{The military branches brought out all sorts of tanks and trucks. Many of those vehicles were open for the public to get in, get on, and check out. Marcus thought it was just the coolest and bounced from one big piece of equipment to the next.}}

I'm still trying to decide who had the most fun with all the big wheeled vehicles… Scott or Marcus.


Happy Marcus Monday!

This time, just the two of us, is quickly whittling away. And it is oh so bittersweet for this momma. 
I'm soaking up every Mommy and Marcus moment I can.

Happy Monday!


Week 27

Third trimester, here we are!
I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea having a mere 91 days left until my due date. While many days are spent lamenting over how long pregnancy feels, it truly is flying by.
Size of Baby // My Pregnancy app says this week M² is almost 2 pounds and about 14 1/2 inches long. If I were at the grocery store I could compare M² to a head of cauliflower.

Cravings // Donuts. Everyone and their mother was posting pics on IG of donuts this past week/weekend. Sunday I caved and made my guys take me to get donuts after church. People, seriously stop posting pictures of all your delicious foods. It generally makes for instant trigger cravings.

Symptoms // Normally I tend to be cold all the time. Right now? Nope. I'm ALWAYS hot. Summer is going to be real fun… It's a safe bet you'll be finding me belly up in the pool.  Then there are the backaches. Oy. That fun started up a couple weeks ago, and I'm sure it's here to stay, or at least for the next 13 weeks.

Movement // All the time. M² is moving, shaking, kicking, and jabbing away. The movements are pretty big, and sometimes a bit uncomfortable.

Miss Anything //  Besides the typical stuff you're forbidden to have during pregnancy I really miss being able to easily pick Marcus up. It makes us both a little bit sad when I can't just swoop him up when he holds his arms up.

Sleep // It's actually gotten a little better. Though Marcus still wakes a few times a night (oh my gosh child, why can't you just sleep through the night?!!), sleep isn't terrible. However, something (the need to pee) or someone (hi, Marcus!) usually has me up around 4AM, and I can't fall back asleep - makes for early bedtimes for this momma. 

Clothing // All the things stretchy and forgiving. 

Best Part of the Week/ Looking Forward To… //
1. Mother's Day my guys sure did spoil me. I didn't make a single meal, didn't do a lick of laundry and got in a few good workouts and solid naps. I was also surprised with some beautiful flowers, an awesome family photo printed on metal, and an addition to my Mother's Day book Scott started for me last year.
The flowers // The metal print // The Mother's Day book
Of all the things to receive for Mother's Day, the handmade, personalized book that Scott has put together and updates each year, is by far my favorite and most priceless gift.
Each year Scott picks a few photos (out of the hundreds? thousands? I've taken over the course of that year and incorporates them into the book. I never know which photos he will select and I love the thoughtfulness he puts into it.
This year Marcus added his own touch by adding a little paint (see bottom middle photo), and I added the cards the guys gave me (see bottom right photo).
Can every day be Mother's Day?

2. Marcus and I have had a few fun day-dates this week.
Chuck E. Cheese.
If you go right when they open (on a weekday) there are generally no other kids in the place. It's awesome.
Pump It Up.
Pegging mom with the cannonball air blaster is hilariously fun work.
Weather permitting (we're actually forecasted to get rain today!), we're going to try and sneak in a quick trip to Disneyland this morning.

3. Items are trickling in for M²'s nursery. Slowly but surely her room is coming together. If you didn't get a peek at the room inspirations earlier in the week here's another little teaser as to what I have in mind for that space.
Have a great weekend! 


Nursery Inspiration for the Little Lady

Putting together a girl nursery has been a bigger challenge than I originally anticipated. It wasn't until about five years ago that I actually embraced the color pink (which are still found sparingly in both my home and wardrobe). I mean, my room in high school was navy, gold, and cream. Not a fleck of pink to be found anywhere. 

When we discovered M² was a she, and not he (like I swore M² would be), my mind immediately raced to just how was I going to decorate her room. I've been so submersed in all things boy that the idea of frills and tulle, and PINK, was (and still is) a bit overwhelming. 

If you know me at all, you know that I'm pretty much obsessed with butterflies (I mean, we released 100 Monarch butterflies on our wedding day), so I knew those simply would have to be incorporated throughout the room. 

Thus far, it's been interesting to find a nice balance of soft and sweet, but not too pink or too much matchy-matchy. The room is still very much a work in progress, but here are a few items that have been the inspiration for M²'s nursery.
bedding // rug // butterfly sphere
curtain tie-backs // mobile // lamp base
curtains // picture frame // print
Creams, golds, and pops of pink will be the primary colors throughout the room. Touches of crystal and crackled glass will provide nice little touches throughout. And, clearly, butterflies are a must.



Week 26

Week 26!
Lately Marcus has been telling anyone who will listen, "I'm a big brother," and he often chats about his baby sister. I figured it was high time to get the little man in on some of these weekly photos.
Next week marks the start of the third trimester. How is this possible?!

Size of Baby // According to My Pregnancy, M² weighs about 1 2/3 pounds and measures 14 inches. If I was comparing her to a veggie, she'd be about as long as a green onion.

Cravings // No notable cravings this week. I don't seem to need to eat every 3.7 seconds either. So that's good news. My butt and hips appreciate that.

Symptoms // My back is absolutely killing me these days. A prenatal massage sure would hit the spot.

Movement // M² is really moving and shaking in there. The ribs on my right side have endured some pretty legit kicks lately.

Miss Anything // Bending over with ease. Not "oofing" and grunting when I stand/get out of bed. Not peeing every 15 minutes (it's so annoying). Running and working out like I'd like. I really miss being able to comfortably run for more than two miles. 

Sleep // Marcus is battling a cold, so sleep is pretty spotty. When I do wake it takes me forever to fall back to sleep. My mind races as I think of the zillions of things that we need to get done before August arrives. Ugh. Someone please send me a nap.

Clothing // I buckled and bought a whole slew of summery tops (can I just say how much it pains me to buy maternity clothes?! They're used for such a short period of time - it kills me!). I knew it was time when Scott pointed out that my belly was peeking out of one of my t-shirts, and he proceeded to laugh at me. No one has time for all of that. 

Best Part of the Week/ Looking Forward To… //
1. Tuesday marked the last day of chemo for Scott's mom, Katie - HALLELUJAH! Scott was able to fly home and surprise his mom and be with her for her last round. We continue to pray that this battle will soon be won.

2. Marcus and I spent yet another morning at Disney. I honestly cannot think of a better way to spend a few hours. Naturally our first ride was Dumbo (Marcus' favorite). We even tried a new (to us) ride - Autotopia - Marcus LOVED it.
Dumbo. Every. Single. Time.
Upper left: Please note the intense concentration.
Middle left: The tongue is out. You know he's into something when the tongue comes out.
Lower left: Best little date I ever did have.
I asked Marcus at least 100 times what he wanted to do MOST at Disney. His reply? "Eat Mac n Cheese!" I had to oblige.
3. Did you see the Nautical Big Boy room that was finally finished in the last week? I heart that room so hard.
4. Last week I had my glucose screen. My results came back "abnormal," so I have to retake the test. Apparently my "numbers are right on the line," whatever that means. Monday morning I'll drink that nasty drink yet again. While it's not much fun, I don't mind the extra little check up on M².
My heart has exploded.
Have a great weekend, and Happy Mother's Day!


The Nautical 'Big Boy' Room

I have been so anxious to share Marcus' big boy room. And now I FINALLY can!
Curtains open.
Curtains closed.
The anchor decal was the start of the nautical inspiration.
A quick pause to give my mom a huge shout out for ALL her help in making this room possible. From searching for the perfect items for the room, to finding just the right placement for it all, she was key in making the nautical room a reality.
See the comforter, pillow shams, and yellow throw pillows? Yeah, she MADE those.
As if simply making the comforter set wasn't enough, she made it REVERSIBLE!
Taking a closer look at the details:
Captain's wheel.
Any of Marcus' books that are remotely water related are on the bed bookshelves.
The dresser has been in Scott's family for almost 75 years. Scott stripped, sanded, and restained the dresser so it would match the bed. We then added new hardware.
The lamp was originally without rope. I felt it looked a little bare. I grabbed some jute from a home improvement store, wrapped it around the lamp base a few times and called it good.
Curtain rod, tie backs, and finials.
Canvas prints (could that outfit have been any more perfect for this room?! May it also be noted that photo was the cause of some serious debate: to hang his picture in his room, or not to hang his picture in his room - obviously I hung it), laundry basket, and trash bin.
The reading area.
I couldn't part with everything from Marcus' nursery, so I made sure to incorporate his infant hand and footprints.
The pillows.
The pillows Marcus sleeps on have the cutest little fish hidden on the interior flap of the pillow case.
And there it is. After months of searching for just the right items, planning the room and its details, and then executing it all (the measuring, the drilling, the hanging of all the stuff!), the room is finally done. 

It's safe to say Marcus' room is easily my favorite room in our house, and I only hope he loves it as much as his momma.

For more info on specific items in the room click on the highlighted links below:
Ship in bottle ornament
Rope "beach" sign
Ships wheel storage bin, Home Goods: similar item found here
"Let's set sail" sign, Home Goods: similar item found here
Gold starfish, Home Goods: similar item found here
Decorative fishing net, Home Goods: similar item found here
Dresser hardware, Home Depot: similar item found here
Small star pillow, found in the Target One Spot