
Happy Marcus Monday!

Saturday was a day to remember.
While our doings weren't particularly extraordinary our day together certainly was.
We woke up slowly with some snuggles (top row, first photo on the left), spent our entire morning as well as lunch at the beach, Marcus immediately fell asleep the second we got in the car to head home (bottom row, second from the left), post nap we took a dip in the pool in the afternoon (bottom row, second from the right), and an evening run completed our day (bottom row, last photo on the right)
Happy Monday!


  1. I'm very jealous of all your beach time! And I love all your "selfies" with Marcus =)

  2. I'm also so jealous of your beach time! What fun!

  3. Oh how I miss the beach and the ocean! I wish I was closer!

  4. I loved all the selfies from the weekend! Looks like you guys had a great day and such cute photos and memories!

  5. Cute pictures! You pack a lot into one day. :)

  6. I need beach time! Hurry up September! By the way, why does everyone else's kid fall asleep in the car. I would GLADLY spend gas money to get him asleep but he's too busy sitting in the back going, "Car. Car. Truck. Car. Van. Bus. Oooooh maaaaan. Pane!!"

  7. I love these pics so much. And I want to be on the beach sooooo bad.

  8. Looks like the perfect day! Love the smiles in this post :)

  9. Love the shadow picture!! Oh so sweet!!!
