
Good Eats at the Beach - Revolution Foods {{Giveaway}}

Prepping for the beach is generally an easy task. Grab a ton of sunblock, a beach mat, a million beach toys, and you're almost set. The one thing that isn't easy for me to pack are snacks. It is inevitable that any decent amout of time playing in the sand and sun is going to create hungry tummies. With all the good fun and exercise that is exerted at the beach I don't want to fill those tummies with unhealthy things.

It wasn't too long ago I was introduced to revolution foods and revolution meal kits. I was so impressed with what went inside the kits that I knew I'd found the perfect snack to pack for the beach. 
Everything in the meal kit is *good* stuff. And, I'm not just talking tasting good. I'm talking about what goes into the food before it reaches tummies. But, trust me when I say it's all yummy. I may have snuck a few bites for myself. 
The turkey is raised without antibiotics, nitrites or nitrates. The cheese is made from milk that is not treated with growth hormones. There are at least 7 grams of whole grains per kit. Each kit has one serving of fruit.
During our latest beach trip I thought there might be two cute beach babies who would love snacking away on a revolution meal kit.
The kit was a hit with both bebes!
In addition to making a kit into a snack I also found it made for a great, quick at home lunch.
The individual packing is AWESOME for snacking on the go.
Just look at those chunks of real cheese!!
I paired the kit with some carrots and grapes and Little Man had himself one mighty tasty meal.
To read more about revolution foods, and their mission to get *real food* to tummies everywhere be sure to click >>here<<

Because we love these kits so much we want you to try them, too! Just enter the easy giveaway below. Two lucky winners will receive two vouchers to check out these awesome meal kits.

The Aquarium: Part 3,268

We visit the aquarium. A LOT. It never gets old. Never. There is always something new to see, or a new discovery to make.

The aquarium is even better when we're sharing our experience with good friends. 

I've posted on the aquarium before (more than once, I know). But, the place is just awesome. And when you see your little one enjoying the place just as much, if not more, than you, you can't help but want to capture every moment. 

So, allow the photos to do (most) of the talking.
In total awe.
The many, huge, tanks never got old for either child.
The water foul were hilarious and captivating.
We discovered the playful sea otters (one of my favorite exhibits)!
I couldn't help but snap my millionth picture a picture of some my favorite sea life.
We made friends with a sting ray who really seemed to want to be petted.
Lo: What do you mean I shouldn't get this close to the birds?
Marcus: Are you sure we should be doing this?
*THIS* might have been my favorite moment. A seal took serious interest in Marcus' sippy cup and "played" with us for a bit.
These two sealed the trip with a nautical kiss. 
Yet another wonderful trip to the aquarium, and we were so happy to share all the fun with our besties!


The Beach Babes

The past five days have been pretty spectacular. My best friend and her little family have been visiting us, and it's been pretty epic.
In keeping them busy *we* have been busy.
Our first stop was naturally the beach, where both our littles were in heaven.

While their family vacation was supposed to wrap up yesterday, a cancelled flight has them staying with us for a few more days (YAY!!).
While these two cuties have their toes in the sand please excuse our absence from the blogging world. We'll be back soon!
One last thing before we go… Happy 2nd Birthday Miss Lorelei, we are so honored to be spending your special day with you!


High Fives - The Best Friend Edition

This week whizzed by! On this end the anticipation and preparation of our second round of visitors kept me busy.

Speaking of visitors, let's get to cracking with the Friday Fives.

1. THIS little lady is currently hanging with Marcus and me.
2. If Miss Lorelei is with us that can only mean one thing: her momma (my lifetime BFF) and daddy are here, too!
3. We have so much fun planned for these three. I hope they're ready for the fun we're going to pack in during their visit. 

4. Amy has become a celebrity of sorts. Her stardom hasn't come from the most ideal situation, her story is making waves, and spreading hope to others who understand and/or have experienced the struggles of infertility. To see Amy's interview click >>HERE<<.
5. This little dude is officially 2.1 (2 years 1 month). Though I've decided to do away with the monthly 'updates' I didn't want to pull the plug on the monthly photos. I don't think I'll ever stop taking the monthly pictures. 
Have a great weekend!


The Adventures of Marcus and Mace

If two little boys were let loose to set off on an adventure where would they go? What would they do? Allow me to show you the Marcus and Mace 2014 Spring Adventure…

The beach was an obvious and immediate must. As soon as Sally and Mace hopped off the plane we made a bee line for the water.
Though it was a chilly evening the boys didn't seem to mind one bit. No ocean breeze was stopping them from digging, and sifting, and shoveling. 
A stint at the Aquarium of the Pacific was necessary.
It totally slipped my mind that it was Spring Break, and the aquarium was PACKED! But, these boys could have cared less about the swarm of people. They found the penguin cubby and had a blast.
We held a back patio bubble party.
Two toddlers + 1 bubble machine + a plethora of unending bubbles = two very happy little boys.
We took a little stroll along one of our favorite coastal cliff trails.
Most of the time the boys were willing to flash us their pearly whites during our impromptu photo shoot.
Breakfast was had at a quaint little mom and pop joint on the pier. 
Even the boys loved that view.
And, we played at our favorite ocean side park.
And that concludes the M&M 2014 Spring Adventure.

While the Marcus and Mace 2014 Spring Adventure focused primarily on Disney and California Adventure, we couldn't let Mace (or his mommy) go home without seeing and doing some of our daily favorites!

I sure hope these boys had as much fun as their mommies did!


A California Adventure

When Sally mentioned coming to visit us(!), and doing Disney, I thought we would knock out a day at the park and call it good. Silly me. Good thing Sally knew better. She suggested we do TWO days. One day at Disney, and one day at California Adventure. Sure! Why not?!

So, after spending an entire day at Disney we turned around the following day and hit up California Adventure.

**Full disclosure: picture overload ahead!
While Disney constantly kept us busy, hustling from one place to the next, California Adventure gave us a much more laid back approach. There weren't as many rides for the boys to go on, but the ones they did ride we hit up multiple times. 

We figured we would slowly ease the boys into the rides. A slow train ride should do the trick. 
Please note neither boy looked too thrilled at the start of the ride. HA! But, by the end of the ride they were all smiles.
Mace was just a few inches shy of the bumper cars height requirement. But, Marcus and I gave it a go. I thought for sure he'd love it. 
While Marcus didn't HATE the ride I don't think he found it as awesome as I expected.
Sally and I found this ride to be the kid ride we enjoyed the most.
The balloons were slow and easy going, things us moms could handle, no problem.  
But, *this* was the ride the *boys* clearly loved.
It was one of those spin-y rides. Oh my gosh, there was just so.much.spinning!
When did I get so *OLD*?!
The newest attraction at Cali Adventure is the Lightning McQueen, Cars, ride. Sally and I took turns while the boys watched on. 
The special effects and set design of this ride was absolutely awesome!
And while Marcus took a *two and a half hour* nap in the stroller I snuck off to snag a seat on my favorite ride of all time - the Hollywood Tower of Terror.
As one of my friends put it, it looks like I'm praising Jesus.
For being ushered for 48 hours through two parks from sun up to WELL past sun down, Marcus and Mace each had one rightfully earned tantrum. I couldn't even be upset about the melt downs. With no schedule to speak of, and a majority of two days spent in strollers, Sally and I agreed one tantrum per child was pretty stellar.
We couldn't have asked for better toddler companions while living it up at Disney.
When our time at the parks came to an end it was a little bittersweet. All the memories that were made were priceless and leaving was hard. I didn't want our fun to end. That can only mean one thing… We MUST do it again!
Sally and Mace, thank you SO much for coming to visit. To say we had a blast is a gross understatement. You guys are the best, and I can't wait to see what other adventures are headed our way!


We Met THE Mouse!

Aside from the birth or Marcus and my wedding day, April 16, 2014, ranks near the very top as one of the best days of my life. One of my favorite bloggers, and real life friend, Sally, her son Mace, Marcus and I headed to Disney Land!
If you've been following along for awhile you know that Marcus is a HUGE Mickey Mouse fan. Huge. Marcus could possibly be the Mickey Mouse Fan Club President. For real. So, when it was decided that we were headed to the Happiest Place on Earth, I COULDN'T WAIT!

First things first. We had to meet the main man. After a short wait there we were, high fiving only the most famous mouse in all the whole world.
Marcus was totally star struck by Mickey. Seeing the amazement in his eyes as he met his favorite mouse made my heart explode. That moment alone made the entire trip.
A few more photo ops were obviously necessary before we tackled the park.
And then Sally showed us the ropes of Disney. She knew then ins and outs of the whole place. We had fast passes and single rider lines all figured out and down to a science. I'm not kidding when I say had it not been for Sally we would probably STILL be standing in some of those lines.

Though the boys may not have understood where we were, or what exactly we were doing, I fully believe they understood the excitement that buzzed through Disney. It's almost as if that place has a pulse that you can't help but feel when you're there.
These boys knew we were in a magical place. Just look at those faces!
1 & 2: Marcus' very first ride at Disney - Astro Blasters (Buzz Lightyear)!!
3: Waiting for our turn to ride Dumbo.
4: FINALLY - we made it to Dumbo!
5: It's a Small World
6: Wrapping up the Winnie the Pooh ride.
Seriously, if you're planning a trip to Disney (either park), and are looking for tips, tricks, and pointers, you need to talk to Sally. She can hook you up with insider info!

There were a few other rides sprinkled in there, a brief stint watching a parade, and of course lots of Disney food and drinks.
Ever had a Dole Whip? Pineapple ice cream in pineapple juice. Oh.my.gosh. There are no words…

Little man and Mace did so awesome. I can't sing enough praises as to how well those two boys did. With daily routines thrown to the wind the boys just rolled with the flow.
Nap times, lunches, snacks, and even games of peek-a-boo, all while strolling around most of the day.
Disney really is magic. And dreams really DO come true, just ask these cuties!
I'm ready to go back! Who's with me?