
A Wardrobe Update + {$50 Pinkblush Giveaway and Review}

Before heading back to school I had the genius idea to take not one but both kids to the mall for a little back to school shopping. In my mind we were going to have this grand old time picking out cute clothes for Marcus, maybe swing by the pretzel place for one of those cinnamon twists, and have an enjoyable little morning. For a fleeting moment I thought maybe I'd even get to dip into a store or two for myself. I can't remember the last time I've stepped foot into a store for some good old fashioned clothes shopping - for the kids or for myself - so I was pretty excited about the whole ordeal.

It didn't take long (maybe 3 minutes in the first store?) before reality quickly came crashing down. Julia was fresh from a nap and ready to party, no amount of snack was going to keep her wiggly self content in the stroller, and it was clear that Marcus was less than impressed with our rendezvous.
We may have set a record for how fast we shopped. And, I was reminded why I do 99% of my shopping - both for the kids as well as myself - online, from the comfort of my home.

Now that Marcus' wardrobe has been freshly updated I figured it was time to do the same for myself. Not that long ago I did a major closet purge leaving many a hangers barren, and my clothing selection anemic, at best.
Since Julia's birth I am partial to things that are quick, easy, and comfortable (namely my workout clothes). I decided it was high time to step away from the athletic wear and into something more fashionable. Don't get me wrong, running shorts and workout tanks are a staple, but I was due to add something a little more trendy to my wardrobe.
Way back when I was maternity clothes shopping, one of my favorite trendy online boutiques was PinkBlush. I practically lived in their clothes for the duration of my pregnancy with Julia.

For nostalgia's sake, a throw back to my all time favorite PinkBlush maternity dress.
20 weeks along with Julia!
I can't believe I'm about to say this:
I really miss that bump!
When I discovered PinkBlush offered more than just maternity wear I was ecstatic. Just like with the maternity selection, the women's selection was phenomenal (and so affordable!). Transitioning from their maternity clothes to women's line was a flawless move. I had no problem adding item after item into my shopping cart.

Once I placed my order the shipping was almost as fast as my back-to-school mall trip with the kids.
Can I get an amen when a package arrives at your door? I couldn't tear into my goodies fast enough!

Each piece fits like a dream. Every item is so soft and has just the right amount of give so nothing clings too tight or settles into places I'd rather not emphasize.

Because every now and again I like to pretend I'm a fashion blogger, here are a few of my favorite PinkBlush pieces!
Scott and I have a date night coming up and I think this dress fits the bill just perfectly.
The cold shoulder! The slit (on both sides)! The pockets!
Coral Ombre Cardigan
I'm a sucker for a good cardigan. This one is so light-weight and soft. It's perfection on those cool mornings and chilly evenings. I have a feeling this will be my go-to cardi once fall rolls around.
This top is sold out
Similar - Ivory Navy Striped Floral Sleeve Top (almost sold out)
This one I wear on repeat. I can't get enough of it! It's great for lounging around the house, going out for a quick bite to eat with the family, or running errands. And, it's so much cuter than my workout clothes!
I've been wanting a kimono for the longest time. They're perfect for throwing over a swim suit (see photo above), tossing into a handbag for nights when it might get a bit cool, or simply just to cover up with something flow-y and cute!
I've been crushing on PinkBlush pretty hard lately, and because I love them so much I've teamed up with PinkBlush to give one lucky person a $50 gift card. All you have to do is follow the Rafflecopter prompts below! Easy peasy.

Disclaimer: I received items in exchange for a review. However, as always, all opinions expressed are my own.


M & J Monday

How do I love you?
Let me count the ways.
I love you as the sun
loves the bright blue days.
 I love you as the bee
loves a fragrant flower.
 I love you as the thirsty duck
loves a sudden shower.
 I love you as the bird
loves a song to sing.
I love you as the walking bear
loves the smell of spring.
I love you as the cat 
loves a sunny sill.
And as the dancing snowflakes
love the winter's chill.
How do I love you?
Let me tell you how.
I love you as the nest
loves the sturdy bough.
I love you as the sea
loves the sandy shore.
And as the ancient world
loved the dinosaur.
I love you as the wind
loves its own sweet sound.
 And as our friendly Earth
loves to spin around.
I love you as the moon
loves each shining star.
I love all that you will be
and everything you are.
How Do I Love You
~Marion Dane Bauer
Happy Monday!


First Day of Pre-K

This morning we put on our new school threads, took time to style the hair ("special spray" included), packed a lunch, and headed back to school!
Before school started I asked Marcus a few questions:
What's your favorite color: Red.
What's your favorite food: Mac and cheese.
What's your favorite thing to do: Ride bikes.
Who is your best friend: Alex.
What do you want to be when you grow up: A fireman, and after I'm done with that I want to catch bad guys with my daddy.
It's amazing how much a year can change us. Last year at this time I was a bubbling, emotional mess (I'm sure the newly acquired postpartum hormones had nothing to do with it...). This year? This year we dropped Marcus off and I was all, "Have the best day ever! See you soon!" And out I walked with not a tear shed.

Just for fun, a look back at his First Day of Preschool, 2015.
He looks so little!
It goes so fast!

To my little man, Happy First Day of School! 
I hope you have the best year ever!


M & J Monday

I love you through and through.
I love your top side, I love your bottom side.
I love your inside and your outside.
I love your happy side, your sad side, your silly side, your mad side.
I love your fingers and toes, your ears and nose.
I love your hair and eyes, your giggles and cries.
I love you running, and walking, silent and talking.
I love you through and through...
yesterday, today, and tomorrow, too. 
I Love You Through and Through
~Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak
Happy Monday!


The End of Summer Edition

Our summer days are melting away faster than a Popsicle left out in the sun. School starts in four days and we are trying to pack in as much fun as we can before it's back to the grind. This week we were constantly on the go, seeing and doing. Our mornings were filled with adventures, our afternoons filled with naps, and our evenings were spent at the pool. Isn't summer the best? I'm so sad it's coming to an end.

The highlights!

Marcus and I managed to slip away one Friday afternoon and hit up what I think is possibly one of the neatest children's exhibits in all of Los Angeles - Noah's Ark at the Skirball Center.
This giraffe was easily an entire story tall. Kids could crank a wheel and make it's neck and head turn.
So many parts of the exhibit were movable: the giraffe on the left side of the picture moved up and down and side to side with two different wheels. That gap in the ark? Kids could patch it up with puzzle like pieces. See that spider in the middle of the photo? It moved up and down with a pulley. These types of animals and features were all over! I didn't even capture a fraction of it all.
The photos simply do not do this place justice. EVERYTHING is hands on. Each animal is made from recycled items - see the owls? The wings are fans, the body is a coil of some sort, and the tail feathers are darts! Every animal in the place was constructed like this. It was mind blowing.
The Skirball Center currently has a baseball exhibit on display, so we took advantage of some of that as well.
We had the best day, just the two of us. Our one-on-one time was so good for us both. I wish we could carve out more time for little dates like this.

Places where I can take the kids and let them touch and try and learn (even though they don't really know they're learning) are easily among my favorite places to venture. The California Science Center has quickly become one of our choice places to explore.
I about died when Marcus insisted that he needed to wear a lifejacket on the boat where he was 'fishing.'
Julia loved cruising around the place while Marcus tried everything he could get his hands on.
Marcus had no idea what this cell exhibit was all about, but he went back to it no less than three different times.
Girl friend thought spinning that red tube was about the greatest thing since applesauce pouches.
Bonus points: the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum being just steps from the Science Center.

Because we have no choice but to drive through downtown traffic to get to Kidspacewe don't go as often as I'd like. But, the place is out of the world. There are so many outdoor activities, indoor activities, and a stream where kids can splash and play.
I wish I would have snagged a few more photos of all the amazing things this place has to offer. I guess we were just too busy having fun to bother with a camera!
More bonus points: Kidspace is located just across the street from the Rose Bowl.

The Beach
We met up with some friends this week for a little (or in Julia's case, a LOT of) sand, salt, and sea.
So many holes were dug and waves were jumped by the boys. Julia just wanted in on all the action, too.
Julia also thought the sand was a perfectly acceptable snack all morning long.
Did I mention our afternoons have been filled with naps... From both kids? It's been magnificent.

This weekend looks to be low-key, which I don't mind one bit. Next week we start Pre-K, and I think a mellow weekend is just what we all need before returning to the bustle of our regularly scheduled programming.

Have a great weekend!